Gall Bladder Surgery

What is Gallbladder Surgery (Cholecystectomy)?

Gallbladder Surgery Gallbladder Removal Surgery

Gallbladder surgery is a type of surgery that is done when the person is going through extreme pain because of the gallstones that are stuck in the gallbladder and obstruct the flow of the bile juice from the gallbladder. Gallstones are small entities that get accumulated in the gallbladder. The procedure of cholecystectomy is a very minimally invasive procedure. In this procedure the surgeon makes a small incision in the abdomen and this incision allows him or her to gain access to the gallbladder with the help of the surgical tools. These surgical tools also include a tool named laparoscope (it is a high-definition camera), it is used to see and analyze the condition of the internal organ of the human body. Moreover, in some cases the surgeon can also make big incisions as well, these big incisions are made to remove the gallbladder and the procedure is known as open Cholecystectomy.

What Are The Symptoms Of Gallstones In Gallbladder?

Gallstones are abnormal stone-like masses. These stone-like masses are mostly undissolved cholesterol. And these undissolved cholesterol mass accumulated in the gallbladder and formed this stone like shape. Because of these stone-like masses, a person can feel extreme levels of pain in the right side of the abdomen. Before moving forth, understand why these gallstones formed in the body or what are the causes that are behind their formation:

Symptoms Of Gallbladder Gallstones
  • Gallstones usually occur in people who are overweight and come in the category of obese.
  • Another reason is that gallstones also occur because of the excessive estrogen from numerous pregnancies.
  • Gallstones can also occur because of hormone replacement therapy, or by birth control pills. This may result in increased cholesterol levels in bile, and it slows down the flow of bile from gallbladder and that leads to the formation of gallstones.
  • People who have biliary infections can also develop gallstones.
  • Excessive dieting and consuming cholesterol reducing drugs can also result in gallstone formation.
  • Moreover, people who have hereditary blood disorders can also develop gallstones or pigment stones.

Now the question comes how one can analyze that they have these stone like masses in their gallbladder or what are the symptoms that are responsible for the same. The very simple answer to this question is if a person is experiencing severe abdominal pain. This gallstone pain is also known as the gallstone attack (colic). Gallstones attacks usually or happen in the nights and these attacks happen because of consuming fatty meals. Gallstones can be asymptomatic, and stones can be called silent stone. But if a person has a gallstone attack, he or she might face:

  • If a person is having pain under their right shoulder.
  • If a person is having a feeling of nausea or vomiting.
  • If a person is having pain in the back between the shoulder blades regions.
  • A burst of severe pain in the region of the right upper abdomen and it increases very rapidly. Moreover, the pain will last from a few minutes to several hours.

Apart from these symptoms, there are symptoms that are insignificant. These insignificant symptoms of gallstones are as follows:

  • Belching
  • Indigestion
  • Abdominal bloating (gas formation).
  • Recurring intolerance to fatty foods.

Why is there a need to remove gallbladder?

The need to remove the gallbladder is dependent upon four factors. These factors can be the main reason for having gallbladder surgery. The factors are as follows:

How is the diagnosis of cholecystectomy done?

The diagnosis for gallbladder surgery or cholecystectomy is done with the help of the given below test such as:

  • Ultrasound
  • Blood test
  • Endoscopic Ultrasonography

How is a cholecystectomy done?

The procedure of cholecystectomy can be done in two ways:

  • Laparoscopic Method
  • Traditional (open) method

Laparoscopic Method: Laparoscopic method involves the minimal amount of incision. It is a minimal invasive technique that is completed with the help of the laparoscope. A Laparoscope is a device that has a tiny camera on one of its ends and it is used to see the internal body organs. The doctors make a few small incisions around 3-4 in numbers and these small incisions need to be done in the abdomen area. The removal of the gallbladder is done with the help of surgical tools and instruments. This laparoscopic technique is faster as compared to the traditional cholecystectomy. Furthermore, it is easier to perform and with a good recovery rate as well. In some cases, laparoscopic surgery can also help in determining whether to use an open or traditional method.

Traditional (open) Method: Traditional method is a classic cholecystectomy surgical method in which the surgery is done by making a large cut over the region that corresponds to the location of the gallbladder. In this open or traditional surgery, it takes time to get healed and recover as compared to the laparoscopic one. After the surgery is completed, the patient will face some very common changes. These common changes are directly responsible for the way your body handles food. But with the right care and precautions the patient can easily maintain and adapt to the changes comfortably. Gallbladder removal surgery (Cholecystectomy) is a very safe surgical process. This process has a good recovery rate as well.

What Are The Risk Factors That Are Related To Gallbladder Surgery?

Gallbladder Removal

A gallbladder is an organ that stores bile juice. Bile juice is produced by the liver that helps in digestion. The bile that gets stored in the gallbladder gets concentrated till the time when gallbladder pumps it out in the intestine. Now, when the gallbladder is removed, the person cannot feel any significant change in his or her digestive functionality. Moreover, he or she will go through the transition period (that is without the gallbladder) very smoothly.

Although gallbladder surgery (cholecystectomy) is one of the safest medical processes but there are certain complications that can arise after or during the surgical process. These problems are as follows:

  • Bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Pneumonia
  • Infections
  • Bile leakage
  • Heart problems
  • Bile duct damage
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Intestine, bowel, or blood vessels damage

Getting Recovered After Gallbladder Surgery

Recovery time is directly depended upon the type of surgery the patient is going through. As we know there are two types of surgery in this case and that are; through laparoscopic method and traditional method. Apart from this, the recovery time also depends upon the patient’s other medical conditions. If the patient has gone through traditional (open) surgical method, then he or she needs to stay at hospital till their doctors allow them to go. Moreover, they need a minimum of around 6-8 weeks (about 2 months) to get completely cured after having open arm surgery. Whereas, if we considered the case of laparoscopic method, then both the pain as well as the recovery time will be much less if we compared it to the traditional method. The laparoscopic method requires 2 weeks to get completely cured.

Hence, the recovery time differs from one another because of the given above factors. Now, there are certain ways to avoid post-surgery complications, and these are as follows:

  • Moderate movement.
  • Changing the bandages.
  • Drinking water or any fluid.
  • Avoiding wearing tight clothing.
  • Mainlining the hygiene of the operated area.
  • Not lifting more than 6 pounds for 6 weeks (about 1 and a half months).

Gallbladder Surgery Cost in India

The cost of Gall Bladder Surgery in India approx. ranges from US$ 1729 to $ 4290 (INR 1,35,000 to 3,35,000). However, you will find a huge difference due to high competition between different cities and between healthcare providers. There are a lot of affordable health care options in India. However, you need to know the right hospitals and doctors who provide advanced treatment to get affordable health options. In addition, you will also need to have a conversation with the hospital or provider before agreeing to the procedure so that they can explain all the costs involved in medical procedures.

Are there any non-surgical treatment methods?

There are approaches of non-surgical methods for the problem of gallbladder stones. But these non-surgical treatments are only used in specified situations. These situations can be:

  • When a patient is not fit for sedation or anesthesia.
  • When a patient is not fit for surgery.

Therefore, if a person is going through any of these special conditions, then he or she can go for non-surgical treatment. This non-surgical treatment is just temporary relief; it is not a permanent solution.


The cholecystectomy or commonly known as Gallbladder surgery is a type of surgical process in which the removal of the gallbladder is done by medical experts.

Gallstones are abnormal stone-like masses. These stone-like masses are mostly undissolved cholesterol.

The cholecystectomy diagnosis can be done by different tests, these tests can be; Ultrasound, Blood test, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) HIDA, Endoscopic Ultrasonography.

The cost of gallbladder surgery in India lies from 1,20,000 to 3,50,000 (it may vary depending upon the factors).

There are two types of gallstones:

  • Cholesterol Stones: usually yellow green in color and they are in the case of more than 80% of gallstones diagnosis.
  • Pigment stones: These stones are smaller and darker and are made up of bilirubin.

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