Elbow Surgery

What is Elbow Replacement Surgery?

Elbow Surgery

The elbow joint is a ‘hinge’ formed by the bones of the forearm with the long lower arm bone. The main functions of this joint are to enable movement in all directions and enable you to straighten your arm against gravity. Elbow Joint Replacement Surgery can be done if you have damaged or deformed bones due to an injury or accident, malformation, or arthritis. It is mostly done on patients who have had fractures in their elbow joint.

At What Stage Elbow Replacement Surgery Needed?

Elbow joint replacement surgery is a medical procedure that involves replacing the damaged cartilage or bone in your elbow joint with implant materials. If you have suffered from an injury that has damaged the cartilage lining of your elbow joint, such as a fracture or arthritis, Elbow Joint Replacement Surgery might be recommended. Aside from these injuries, there are some situations when doctors may recommend elbow joint replacement surgery.

Osteoarthritis, bad results from previous elbow surgery, rheumatoid arthritis, post-traumatic arthritis, a badly broken bone in the upper or lower arm near the elbow, and badly damaged tissues in the elbow are all reasons why this treatment would be a great choice.

What are the Causes of Pain in the Elbow?

Pain in Elbow

The elbow joint is composed of three bones: the humerus, radius, and ulna. The humerus is the longest bone in the upper arm and connects to the elbow joint. The radius is on the thumb side of your inner forearm and connects to the elbow. The ulna is on the thumb side of your outer forearm and connects to the elbow joint. Injuries, repeated impact, or wear-and-tear can cause pain in this area.

Injuries to the elbow can happen because of events like falling over, sporting activities, or repetitive motion injuries. Injury of the joint can be a big reason for pain and damage to the bone. Events like falling over can result in Dislocation of the Elbow, a fracture to the Elbow, or can result in sprains and strains.

Bursitis, Tennis elbow or Golfer’s Elbow, Stress fractures, and stressed nerves. All these conditions can occur due to repeated actions in the joint of your elbow. These conditions are very painful and can cause pain in your elbows. They may also affect your daily activities like walking and performing work like cooking or typing.

Who Needs Elbow Replacement Surgery?

For patients with elbow joint arthritis and joint pain, the only solution to enjoy normal life activity is elbow replacement surgery. Through this method, there is no more pain. The surgery lasts for about one hour and most patients can go back home the next day although some need to stay longer in the hospital.

Types of Elbow Replacement Surgery

The joint that connects the forearm and upper arm is called Elbow Joint. This can be damaged when the tendons swell and tear away from the joint cartilage. The damage to the cartilage may lead to arthritis, and it will suffer from pain, stiffness, and swelling which increases with time. At times, only one portion of the elbow is affected, and at times the whole joint needs to be replaced. There are types of Elbow Replacement surgeries available:

Benefits of Elbow Replacement Surgery

The benefits of elbow replacement surgery are many. If you suffer from chronic pain, stiffness, and limited range of elbow motion, elbow replacement surgery may give you your life back. Elbow replacement surgery is usually needed to relieve pain and stiffness, improve elbow movement, and reduce the risk of further damage to your elbow. During this procedure, a surgeon replaces the damaged parts of your joint with metal or plastic surfaces. You will experience an increase in flexibility and comfort after surgery resulting in improved quality of life and arm strength.

Elbow Replacement Surgery Procedure

The surgeon will first make an incision at the back of your elbow. The surgeon then removes the scar tissues, spikes, and other tissues around the joint using special instruments. After that, a metal plate is placed over the humerus bone to hold it in place while the ulna is restored to its correct position.

The treatment for a broken elbow involves surgery. The doctor will first put the stem into the humerus and ulna bones, and use bone cement to hold it in place. An incision will then be made and the broken ends of your bones are placed back together. The incision will be covered with a dressing and you must keep it clean.

Pediatric orthopedic surgery specialists use an arthrotomy procedure to deplete the joint of careful liquid. A transverse tube will be effectively inserted into your joint and evacuated in your emergency hospital room within the first few days after a medical procedure.

Post Elbow Replacement Surgery

Hospitalization following surgery is important for proper recovery. You may not be allowed to move your joint immediately after surgery and you will be prescribed time for the same. A physiotherapist will be appointed who will observe you and give you movement instruction that is suitable for your joint.

Post-surgery, you will be able to walk with the help of crutches. However, you need to take care while performing everyday tasks that can put pressure on your knee joint. Avoid heavy lifting and bending your knee in the first 6-8 weeks (about 2 months) after surgery. Visit our physiotherapy department as soon as possible after surgery to ensure a smooth recovery process.

Cost of Elbow Replacement Surgery in India

The cost of elbow replacement in India starts from $7000 (INR 514,000) and can vary depending on the implant used, health condition, area of treatment, etc. Getting Elbow Replacement Surgery in India is an excellent option for those who are looking to save money. The cost of Elbow Replacement Surgery in India is much lower than in the U.S., as well as most other developed countries. The cost includes doctor’s consultation and surgery, medicines,hospital and accommodation.


Elbow Replacement can restore your quality of life when you suffer from joint pain and stiffness in your elbow. The procedure will relieve your pain, stabilize your arm, and restore normal functioning as much as possible.

The surgery usually takes around 2 hours, though it can vary depending on the complexity of your case.

Because of the nature of the surgery, you can expect some pain. This is normal and part of recovery. Medications will be given to you to control your pain.

An elbow replacement surgery is performed if you have damaged the elbow joint, causing pain and limited movement. The pain may be persistent, due to wear and tear injuries or repeated actions over time, or caused by diseases like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.

The surgery aims at replacing damaged parts of the bones with artificial joints or prostheses.

Plastic, titanium, and other high-quality materials are used to create the prosthesis.

Metals implanted in the elbow and other materials are non-corrosive and non-reactive. They are non-toxic to your body.

A splint will enable your arm to stabilise. You may wear it for a few weeks.

It will take around 2 to 4 days to recover in the hospital.

Yes. A physiotherapist will help you during your hospital stay to familiarize you with exercises that will strengthen your arms and restore their functions.

Recovery for this surgery takes 12 weeks (about 3 months) to a year.

You could drive 4 – 6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) after surgery or when your doctor allows you to.

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